Galvanic Rejuvenating Facials

Galvanic facials

Give new life to your skin with a galvanic facial.

This facials is appropriate for most skin types, whether oily, normal, or dry. It boosts the effectiveness of any skin treatment, and because water-soluble substances are presented to the skin, it increases the skin’s ability to absorb, allowing the active ingredients of the facial as well as skin products to penetrate deeper.

If you have a dry complexion, or if your skin is in desperate need of hydration, a galvanic facial will be benificial because it increases moisture retention. Also, if you have problem skin, this treatment is beneficial because it’s targeted at eliminating clogged pores and reducing oils that can lead to acne.

The benefits to receiving a galvanic facial are numerous. Along with hydrating the skin, this facial is said to counteract complexion dullness brought on by aging or stress, eliminate sebaceous blockage and congestion (major causes of blemishes), increases circulation, and create a healthier glow.

Galvanic facials are also a good anti-aging treatment for those who want a fresher look because they are non-invasive and aim at tightening and firming the skin and softening lines and wrinkles, resulting in a plumper, smoother look.

Having a galvanic facial is a painless procedure, though some people say they experience a slight tingling sensation and there is no downtime necessary.


  • Deep cleans and detoxifies, brightening the skin
  • Encourages lymph drainage and draws out harmful toxins
  • Softens compacted sebum and keratin within the follicle
  • Improves blood and oxygen flow, leaving the skin rejuvenated
  • Provides moisture and nourishment
  • Tightens and improves the skin’s elasticity
  • Removes dead skin cells and promote skin cell regeneration
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles by increasing collagen production
  • Increases product penetration
  • Leaves the skin smooth and radiant
  • Unclogs pores and reduces/prevents acne breakouts


  • Infections
  • Keloid Scars (raised scarring)
  • Raised Birth Marks / Pigmentation
  • Pregnancy / Breast Feeding
  • Pace Maker
  • Epilepsy
  • Heart Disease
  • Hemophilia
  • Hepatitis B or C
  • Vitaligo
  • Lupus
  • Auto-Immune Problems
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